Sunday, January 1, 2012

Are The Lying Game’s Justin and Laurel Actually Brother and Sister? Randy Wayne Weighs In

The Lying Game’s Randy Wayne (Justin) has been very doom and gloom about his character’s future with Laurel (Allie Gonino), and maybe that has something to do with the fact that everyone and their brother from another mother thinks Ted Mercer (Andy Buckley) is Justin’s father. Think about it. This wandering golfer claims to be an orphan, but he’s been sneaking peeks at the Mercer family photo in between squatting in abandoned houses and making out with Laurel.

When Randy spoke with TV Tango, they asked him what he thought of the conspiracy theory that Justin and Laurel are half-siblings. “I think it's a little crazy because Justin is dating Ted's daughter and it wouldn't make sense. If that were to be the case, I still think it's weird — unless Justin knows that that's a fact, then maybe,” said Randy. Then he added, “I'm definitely not going to give anything up about it, but I would tell them to search their other options.”

While that sounds ominous, Wayne did have some good news for TLG fans: When the show returns in January, we’ll get some longed-for answers about the mystery bracelet Justin gave Laurel: “Oh, yeah. They'll learn everything pretty quickly. They touch on the big secret with Justin right away — within the first four [episodes in January 2012]. Then, there's the dealing with it and coming to grips with it the rest of the season.” Awesome! Our theory? Justin is actually related to Sutton and Emma Becker (Alexandra Chando). Incest bullet dodged!

Oh, and more bad news for those of you crushin’ on Randy. He tells TV Tango he has a girlfriend — and he wants to go on The Amazing Race with her. As far as we’re concerned, that’s a sign of true love.

Source: TV Tango

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